Author - admin

A High-Temperature Twist: Scientists Build the Foundation for Superconducting Switches of the Future

Imagine a world where electricity flows without resistance, carrying data and power with near-perfect efficiency. Scientists at Harvard University have taken a major step towards that dream with the development of a promising candidate for the world's first high-temperature superconducting diode.This remarkable feat, led by former Griffin Graduate School of...


Room-Temperature Superconductivity: A Dream Inch Closer to Reality

The quest for room-temperature superconductivity has long been a holy grail in physics, with the potential to revolutionize various fields, from power transmission to medical technology. While achieving superconductivity at room temperature has remained elusive, a recent breakthrough using 10 THz lasers has brought us a significant step closer to...


EV Thermal Management: Unveiling the Companies Shaping the Future of EV Cooling

The automotive industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity in electric vehicle (EV) integrated thermal management is driven by battery efficiency, fast charging mechanism, artificial intelligence (AI), and the growing importance of technologies such as integrated thermal management modules (iTMM) and two-phase cooling systems. In the last...